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정보처리기사 자격증 준비 (10일차) 10일 공부 (3일 휴식) 6/14 ~ 6/23 총 공부 시간=> 9시간 = 4시간(2일 * 2시간@주말) + 5시간(5일 * 1시간@평일)총 공부량=> database(45 page & 62 chapter)21 page & 33 chapter=> 46% 진행 (page 기준)=> 53% 진행 (chapter 기준)현재 진행 속도 database 종료 예정일=> 7/1 (8일 남음) 더보기
정보처리기사 자격증 준비 (1일차) 시작이 반이다.2017 시나공 정보처리 기사 필기 Summary 문제집으로 간단하게 공부하고 시험봐서 합격하는 그림을 꿈꾸고 있다. 한번에 붙기를 바란다.공부 계획은 아래와 같다.이론 총 180페이지 분량- 1/2페이지 15분 소요 (1일차, 2017-06-14) => 2페이지 1시간 소요예상 => 180페이지 90시간 소요예상기출 총 15회차- 아직 회차별 시험 측정 자료 없음 => 시험 시간 210분 / 100문제(1회) => 1분 / 1문제 풀고 틀린 문제 1분 / 1문제 복기하기 => 200분 / 1회 (0점 기준); 140분 / 1회 (60점 기준); 150분 / 1회 (50점 기준) 소요 예상 => 3000분(50시간) / 15회 (0점 기준); 2100분(35시간) / 15회 (60점 기준).. 더보기
영어 OPIc Study Review 2017-05-09 1. I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You're going to buy a smart phone. Please call a store and ask 3 or 4 questions about it. -> Hi, I want to buy a new smart phone. So I'm going to ask you about a smart phone. Do you have a new model? I prefer Android Phone than I-Phone. How much is it including discount? I like cheap one. And do you have a White one? If you don't hav.. 더보기
영어 Opic 숙제 2017-03-29 You must have had a trip that was particularly memorable. Describe that trip and tell me why it was unforgettable.=> When I got merried, I went to Thai with my lugguage. Before I go sleeping at resort, I locked my lugguage by password. => I went to sleep I try to open my lugguage after 30 minutes, but I forgot its password. It takes 2 hours to find password. So I still remember the issue. => tha.. 더보기
영어 Opic 숙제 2017-03-20 When was the first time you went a cafe? Who did you go with? Did you like it? => The first time I went to a cafe was when I was in the mid of 20s. I went to some cafe with my co-workers for the first time, and I was surprised. They had so many kinds of coffee, tea and juice. I still remember we ordered cafe latte, americano, and we were there for a long time. 더보기
영어 Opic 숙제 2017-03-15 1. You indicated in the survey that you like to go to beaches. Where is your favorite beach and how often do you go there? Why do you like it?=> I like to go to kyung-po beach, and it is located in the gangwon-do. I go there sometimes because it's a good place to take some photos and my cousins live near the beach. Also, I can see some big waves and seagulls. I always have fun at the beach, and .. 더보기
영어 Opic 숙제 2017-03-13 (2017.03.10) 1. What do you usually do at home? For my vacation, all I do is watching TV and playing games. I like online pc game called LOL. And I ever played the game all the day. => And I just play the game all day long. I wake up late in the afternoon, I have brunch with my family. Until eating evening, I walk out around my home with my family. => Before eating dinner, I take a walk around m.. 더보기
TOW(Trac On Windows) 설치 Trac을 수동(?) 으로 설치하려다가 계정 인증 문제에서 GG를 선언한 후 SourceForge에 TOW가 있다는 글을 보고 바로 작업에 들어갔다. 그간에 있었던 일들을 링크로 걸어놓는다... Windows XP 컴퓨터에 SVN 설치하기http://www.evernote.com/l/AJJ1pcdTe9ZELbKj3FreKr_hGIqdJV6OewQ/ 더보기